Forensic Files Wiki
Ultimate Betrayal
Season 04, Episode 03
Ultimate Betrayal
Air Date October 20, 1999
Previous The Killing Room
Next Cement the Case

Ultimate Betrayal is the title given to the third episode of the Forensic Files's fourth season and was first broadcast on October 20, 1999.


In 1995, Dr. Debora Green lost two children in a fire that destroyed her Prairie Village, Kansas mansion. Debora and her previous husband Michael Farrar were questioned. Suspicions arose when Debora refused to cooperate during questioning.

Police then questioned Michael and uncovered disturbing stories proving that Debora was dangerous. She had poisoned Michael during their separation and told him that he would only get custody of the children over the children’s dead bodies. Debora's singed hair and the initial location of the fire proved that she was the arsonist.
