Forensic Files Wiki
Naked Justice
Season 6, Episode 28
Air Date November 26, 2001
Previous Cats, Flies & Snapshots
Next Treading Not So Lightly

Naked Justice refers to episode 28 of the Season 6 of the television series Forensic Files which was broadcast for the first time on November 26, 2001.

Plot summary[]

In 1999, expectant mother Leann Fletcher is reported dead in her Hazel Park, Michigan home of an accidental gunshot wound to the head. Was the wound self-inflicted, and if it was, why would this young mother with so much to live for kill herself?

Forensic computer analysis, blood spatter analysis, and a painstaking investigation led police to the truth that her lawyer husband Michael "Mick" Fletcher had motive to kill Leann because he was having a sexual affair with local judge Susan Chrzanowski.
