Forensic Files Wiki
Knot for Everyone
Season 03, Episode 02
Air Date October 8, 1998
Previous Without a Trace
Next The Talking Skull

Knot for Everyone refers to episode 2 of the Season 3 of the television series Forensic Files which was broadcast for the first time on October 8, 1998.

Plot summary[]

In the mid-1980s, bodies of nude women, including Darcie Frackenpohl, were found on a remote hill in the Sacramento, California area. The police got a break when a known prostitute escaped an attacker and was able to identify him and his automobile.

The suspect was 50-year-old Roger Kibbe. Human hair found on one of the victims was similar to Kibbe’s hair, and he was charged with first-degree murder. He later confessed to an additional murder committed in 1977.
